Saturday, April 21, 2012

                             Rock Candy

Oh how I love Pinterest!  We made rock candy last week, and while it took forever for the crystals to form -- it was worth the wait.  

You will need:

Wooden skewers (clip the points off)
Food coloring
Tons of sugar
Glass jars

Boil a mixture of 3 parts sugar, 1 part water until it becomes a syrup.  Take off the burner and let cool for ten minutes.  Pour mixture into glass jars and add your food coloring.  Place sticks in jars, if your jars are larger you can fit two sticks, if they are smaller only use one stick -- they seem to crystallize better if they have a little elbow room. Hold the skewers in place with a clothespin on the lip of the jar.  Place the jars in a sunny spot, like a windowsill   It took about 8 days for ours to form completely, but it was a little humid that week.  

About Me

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We live where they put the "country" in country club in a 70's ranch -- the appliances and I share the same birthday!
