Monday, September 24, 2012

Fall Wreath - On The Cheap

Fall Wreath on the Cheap 


I love, love, love fall!  How could we possibly have a true fall here in Central Texas?  Well okay, we don't. Maybe for about 8 days of sporadic cool, crisp weather spread over the course of two months and then low and behold, it's winter.  We just make it and fake it!

View of the finished product.  It looks as if my scarecrow lost a limb, grrrrrr -  dang dog!

I haven't made a wreath since the Spice Girls came out with their first hit single.  Pinterest is my new best friend, so I thought it was time.  There was only one problem , the cost.  I am really, squeaky, freakin' cheap.  I'm not sure why, or where this trait came from, but I am.  Unless its buying a purse, but that's another story.  

Up close and personal with the monogrammed dollar store pumpkin.

I wanted my wreath to be long and narrow, (I have a funky front door with a wonky little window.)  I used a piece of insulating foam for pipe from Home Depot, in the plumbing section,as my wreath base that set me back $1.38.   I had to cover that business up with something so I went with burlap from Micheal's craft store  that was around $6.00 for two yards with a coupon.  (I felt like this was on the high side, I'm sure you can find it much cheaper somewhere else.)  The ribbon came from Micheal's as well,on sale for $2.88.  The leaves and pumpkin came from Dollar Tree and cost, (you guessed it), a buck. 

Cut it down to the size you desire and duct tape the two ends together.  

 I cut the strips of burlap too wide, but it worked anyway.  You could also use burlap ribbon. Wrap it around the wreath using a glue gun to secure it on every other turn.  

After gluing the burlap all around the wreath, it's time to put the fun stuff on.  

The dollar store finds.  The pumpkin was very bright and garish.  I had to tone it down, and age it a bit with paint.

I used water downed  brown craft paint to highlight the grooves on the pumpkin.
I printed out a fancy-pant G font and glued it directly to the little guy with cheap, white school glue and a small paintbrush, but you could use Mod Podge.

I attached everything on that wreath using a glue gun, and made a simple loop bow with the ribbon to hang it. It's not the best, but I like it, and it's super light. When the door slams, and you know it will, it actually stays on.  Happy Fall ya'll!

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We live where they put the "country" in country club in a 70's ranch -- the appliances and I share the same birthday!
