So today is my actual Birthday -- not the 20th. What? How? Well sit back and let me tell you the story about how I found out my Birthday was not my Birthday -- or was it???
The year is 1985. The location is Dallas, Texas at the Sears driving school -- yes, Sears. My Dad and his new wife had just moved to Dallas and I went to stay with them and to take drivers ed. I know no one. I am awkward. I am feeling so out of place at the Sears Driving school in Dallas, Texas. The class is watching a film and we have just turned in our paperwork. You know the stuff -- your name, D.O.B. etc.... Just when my eyes are glazing over from the BORING film...
"Christina Wilson?"
"Do you not know your own Birthday?"
"I'm sorry??"
"Christina, when is your Birthday?"
"Ummm August 19th."
" No, it says right here on your Birth Certificate August 20, 1970. You , Miss. Wilson, wrote August 19th all over your paperwork. You would think by this point in your life you would know your own Birthday.!"
I was mortified. The class started to snicker and laugh. Thank goodness it was dark in there -- because my face was on fire and I'm sure it was blood red.
My Dad rolls into pick me up after class and I tell him what happened.
"Oh yeah -- that's right. The hospital made a mistake -- we told them about it but I guess they never fixed it. It's no big deal."
"Daddy, what day was I born on? Are you even my Dad? Who am I really?"
"Tina, you were born on the 19th -- that is your Birthday."
So, ever since that fateful day during the summer of 1985 -- I have used August 20th as my legal Birthday on forms and such. My Birthday that I consider to be my Birthday is the 19th.
Which ever the days is Happy Birthday..You should consider networking with the moms in the bizymoms Pasadena community. I am sure you will be able to find some moms to share your story..