The Life and Times of Tina Gillespie : Mommy to Two - Honey to One - Neurotic to Most.
Friday, May 29, 2009
The Last Day of School
Today was the last day of school. I always look forward to this time of year. No set schedules, freedom, stay up late, the pool, the lake, etc.... It' s been 26 minutes and Griffin has already complained about 15 times that "we need to go somewhere, we need to do something, we never do anything !" It's going to be a great summer, I have a sixth sense about these things.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Hillbilly Nonsense
For some reason, in our silly family of 4, we use a Hillbilly voice when we are trying to be funny, or memorize things, or study spelling words. This clip is a prime example of such an event -- except Brad is just reading the label of the huge container of weight gainer - hey that rhymed!
Monday, May 25, 2009
79 years ago....
Happy Birthday to my favorite maternal grandmother Billie Jean. She turns 79 today and I wanted to give her a shout out! Love you Grandma!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Betty Boop

This picture is from a Halloween Party that Brad and I had in 1995. I dressed up as a call girl -- I mean Betty Boop and Brad was an explorer. I hate this pic because it appears as if I am giving the camera the finger -- but I'm not. My hand just looks wonky in this picture -- that's all. This party was at our first house in Tomball and was way before kids. I love Halloween and wanted to throw the best bash ever -- so I begged my neighbors across the street to let me use their garage to store our living room furniture so that we would have a big empty space to dance in. I hired a DJ who was set up upstairs on the balcony and then I covered all of the white carpet (1995 and no kids remember?) with this black plastic liner covered in glow paint to protect the floor.
To keep the neighbors from freaking out -- I hand delivered invitations to them personally inviting them -- and most of them actually came. It was a great party -- to say the least. The party lasted until the wee morning hours, but by 11am the next day I was busy cleaning up the aftermath of the Halloween Bash of '95 -- when a neighbor who did not come to the party, stopped by to inform me that his token tree in his well manicured yard, had a pair of underwear and panties hanging high in the branches.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Crazy Hair

If Kate was my friend, I wouldn't judge her for her infidelity or her husband's for that matter -- that is between the parties involved.
What I would tell her is something like, "Girl -- what is is up with your hair? It makes you look like you are crazy! Please handle that situation -- I mean grow it out and put it in ponytail or something -- you've got too many kids to be worrying about already without having to deal with that Edward Scissorhands do you've got going on."
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Ode to Valley Girl
This movie is a cult classic for the 80's. I was in 7th grade when it came out in theaters with it's R rating so could not see it then -- but I was able to watch it on video like 3 years later on our gianormous Betamax. To this day when I hear the song "Melt With You" -- I think of the ending of that movie. I wonder what ever happened to "Julie" from the Valley?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mother's Day
For Mother's Day this year the family and I went to Hilltop to spend the day golfing, swimming and cooking out. Sophie and I were hanging out at the "Lake Park" when this fancy boat filled with 4 adults, one little boy and a dog carrier comes up to the shore and docks. You can see the boat in the pic directly above that features Sophie. Well, the group proceeds to barrel out of the boat and stakes their claim to a picnic table and starts unloading all of their stuff -- coolers, food, chairs etc.. One of the ladies carrying the small dog carrier, sets up a small fenced-in area for what I assume is a fancy little toy dog. To my surprise it was a fawn. She walked that baby deer, fed it with a bottle, and even wiped it's rear when it pooped.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Judgment Call
So the other morning I was in a huge rush trying to get out of the house to take the kids to school. I had about 3 extra seconds before we had to sprint out the door -- so I took the liberty to scrape off a breakfast plate full of uneaten waffle pieces saturated in syrup into the trash. While scraping the plate one waffle piece went rogue and slipped into my shoe (these stupid ballet flats that I have that make my feet look like a 3 yrold's ) there was just enough room on the side of the shoe for the food to slip in and then I made another move and it was in my shoe -- officially. I had to make a judgment call -- should I take my shoe off and dispose of the sticky waffle piece and go wash my foot off and wipe my shoe out? This would cause us to be late for sure -- we really push it when it comes to the morning routine -- we are always like one minute from being tardy. I decide there was no time for cleanliness and that as a mother I could suffer with the waffle foot until my kids were safely at school and on time.
The day goes on and I get busier and busier until about maybe 2 in the afternoon when I decide to take off the stupid looking baby shoes and put on flip flops. Yes, the waffle piece fell out upon the removal of my shoe, and before I could bend down to pick it up and throw it away -- my Yorkie, Cally, comes by and snatches it up and eats it.
The day goes on and I get busier and busier until about maybe 2 in the afternoon when I decide to take off the stupid looking baby shoes and put on flip flops. Yes, the waffle piece fell out upon the removal of my shoe, and before I could bend down to pick it up and throw it away -- my Yorkie, Cally, comes by and snatches it up and eats it.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Today is the Greatest
Monday, May 4, 2009
Griffin gets dragged to almost all of Sophie's Brownie events. This one was a cupcake symposium and he was not at all interested in it from the get go. The baker demonstrated how to make all kinds of cool cupcakes -- really detailed and unique in design. The girls wanted to make their own original creations -- Griff however, wanted to mimic one he saw in the design book. Interesting.....
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About Me
- FunnyMom
- We live where they put the "country" in country club in a 70's ranch -- the appliances and I share the same birthday!