Friday, June 5, 2009

The Friend Party

So today is party day for Sophie and I feel like I have let her down already. A couple of days ago we sat down and had a discussion about the event and what it would entail (did I just make that word up ?) Anyway, she started going down the list of people who are attending. The list started with friends -

Sophie: "Brianna, Alyssa, Natashsa, etc...." "Grandma and Grandpa?"

Me: "No, Grandma and Grandpa aren't coming to the "Friends" party honey."

Sophie: "WHAT????"

Me: "Remember, you are having it at the Aquatic Center -- you know in the afternoon -- you know in the fiery hot hot sun?" "Anyway, we are seeing them on your actual birthday for a special party just us and them."

Sophie: "Oh, okay." "What about Grammie?"

Me: "No, she is working that day" "Remember, this is a Friends party -- not a Family party -- we will be seeing Grammie on Saturday for a special celebration with just her, okay?"

Sophie: "Nana? Will Nana be there? Nana comes to everything. She has to come to the party? If she doesn't come to the party it will just be stupid!"

Me: "Sophie -- Nana is like an albino /Twilight character -- whose skin is so pale that she will burst into flames if left out in the sun for more than 5 minutes. Anyway, we are seeing her on Sunday for a special ...."

Sophie: "Don't even say it! Don't even say it Momma! "

Then she ran upstairs wailing.

Then I realized she is absolutely right -- how stupid is this? Next year -- one party -- period.

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We live where they put the "country" in country club in a 70's ranch -- the appliances and I share the same birthday!
