The Life and Times of Tina Gillespie : Mommy to Two - Honey to One - Neurotic to Most.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Big Hair/Little Body

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sanding My Life Away
Here is a pic from a few months ago of Brad (hubby of almost 17 years) refinishing the 100 year old floors in the Brenham building. I will never know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, (if I'm going to eat candy -- by golly it's not going to be one of those things), but I do know we had to sand this bitch of a floor 6 times until it was smooth like a baby's bum.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
In The Hot Suit
Helicopter Parent Rides Again
FYI -- he won!
I live in a verrrrrry conservative area of Texas, that is like 90% Republican. My son attends a wonderful Christian private school, that is 99.9% Republican. I am a Democrat and so is my awesome husband Brad. It started when I was finally able to vote and I have stayed that way. I am so open to all things and views, I just wish other people were the same sometimes. Last night, watching our 44th President address Congress was surreal to me. I still can't beleive he won that election. It was such rollercoaster ride. I just hope now, that people will stop wanting to convert me, debate with me and call me out on my beliefs. Get over it already. Not everyone who lives in Texas is an elephant -- geez! I love being a Donkey (jack ass to some).
Monday, February 23, 2009
One More Cookie Story
This is the last cookie story I'll post -- I promise. I get really nervous when I have to deal with the general public for extended periods of time. To offset the nervousness, I make wisecracks and try to be funny. I was in full force on Friday at the cookie booth in front of Wal Mart. I kept on telling customers that "Peanut Butter Patties are even better if you place them on a plate and heat them up in the microwave and then eat them with a fork." "Thin Mints are extra yummy if you freeze them and then take them out all stuck together and eat them like corn on the cob."
The sad thing is, I really do those things.
The sad thing is, I really do those things.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Soggy Bottoms
Ahhhh my favorite time of the year .. Girl Scout Cookie time. This is the time where we get to beg for sales in a failing economy -- while some people do actually buy, usually the men, I've noticed women are like hags who act like they can't hear you. All you have to say is , "Sorry -- no thanks. I'm allergic to cookies" or whatever. I also have to give my 10 year old son credit for being such a good sport about being dragged to these events. He actually heckles the people who are crappy to us. Then out of parental obligation, I say something like, "Now, now son there will be none of that." This morning it started to rain like Noah's flood and it was freakin cold! All of our cookies were soaked too. Secretly, I was happy to get to leave 2 hours early!! -- I guess it's not really a secret anymore.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Hockey Mom
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Termites Bite
I don't feel so bad today after all!
There is a picture out there today of Pam Anderson at a fashion show in NYC romping around in a gold one piece that is stuck so far in her crack, thus showing her behind to world. First of all, I wish I could post the pic -- but I can't. Secondly, I have a message for Pam : "Pam, it's time. No really put a sarong on that business back there -- we all have to. It's the way of the world baby -- deal with it."
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Farrah Hair

Sorry about the size of this old picture, but it is one of my favorites. I am probably about 12 in this picture and I'm guessing it was my birthday. I love the fact that I cannot stop biting the inside of my mouth long enough for my mother to take a picture. I also have to give myself some credit for my hair being so *#@%ing awesome -- in Conroe Texas it is like 99.9% humidity everyday -- I must of not stepped outside on my birthday that year.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
High in the Sky
Monday, February 16, 2009
Beach Bleach Blonde
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Miss. Mayor
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines Day
I will post more later today, we are going to a Birthday Party at a Go Kart place this morning. I'm sure I will have a headache in no time.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday the 13th
This is a mug shot of my ex-boyfriend from highschool. He was arrested for vadalizing a TV news van and then fleeing the scene on a bicycle in October of '07. His name is Jason and his birthday is 2/13 -- Ironic, isn't it?
Isla Fisher is funny
Okay, I never watch Rachel Ray -- (I could care less about cooking), but I watched today's show with Isla Fisher for a minute and she is really funny. I most likely will not watch her new movie "Confessions of a Shopaholic" even though I have read the book -- why not? Well, the only reason I read the book is because the author's name is Sophie and my daughter's name is Sophie. Makes perfect sense -- yes I know.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Everyone is turning 40 -- and I am still 38!!!
Today, as we all know, is Jennifer Aniston's 40th Birthday. I am so happy it is not mine, yet. There is so much work to be done before that time comes.
Favorite Picture of my Kids
Sixteen Candles
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Ugliest Shoes Award
Coconut Conversation
"Mom, did you know the coconut tree has the largest seeds in the world of any tree?" asked my 10 year son Griffin. "They weigh 50 pounds!" he exclaimed.
I replied in my stereotypical Mom voice,"Whoa those seeds are as big as you Griffin!"
"Don't mock me" -- Griffin
I replied in my stereotypical Mom voice,"Whoa those seeds are as big as you Griffin!"
"Don't mock me" -- Griffin
Monday, February 9, 2009
Fat = Boobs
Who Knew?
I was at my brother's wedding this past weekend and it was elegant and wonderful. The most interesting bit of information was given to me by the Four Season's wedding coordinator, Lisa. She told me that U2's Bono, is a very sweet man, who never comes to the hotel with a huge entourage and is very kind and gracious. Oh, and he is petite. He wears "little heels" she said. Upon hearing this news, and it was news to me, I did little Irish jig in my dress and heels, right there in the hallway of the Four Seasons -- why? Well for one, I was high on cold medicine and secondly because I am from short Irish people too, and I felt like I won a battle or something.
Friday, February 6, 2009
She's Just Not That Into You
Tex - Mex
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
My brother is getting married this weekend in Austin at the Four Seasons. My children are in the wedding, they are truly looking forward to dressing up in their fancy clothes. Me, not so much.
My mother and I went shopping for a dress a couple of weeks ago and it was a holy hell nightmare. My mother and I are the complete opposite. Except for the fact that we both drink coffee, we have nothing in common. I am a little overweight right now. I lose and gain the same 40 pounds over and over again. Right now I am on the gain side of it. My mother however is small with big boobs. She bought the boobs and tucked her tummy a decade ago. I have to admit she looks pretty good for a woman her age, (59). She has forgotten that she too once had my body before the scalpel, and acts like she obtained her awesome bod with diet and exercise. Whatever.
She kept bringing me fug dresses that were too small and if by some miracle they did fit, they somehow made me look even worse. I was starting to freak when she brought in the final dress, the dreaded little black fat dress. It was decent and very black, because that is what you are going for of course at a wedding. I was exhausted, beaten and bruised by all of the trying on -- so I caved.
Now I a worried that I look like I am pregnant in it, and I might lie. But if I lie, and say that I am, I can't drink -- so scratch that idea. I am getting the cliche spray tan, because some fashion genius of the new millennium decided that pantyhose are passe. I do have smoking legs. Thanks to debilitating device of the 90s called the StairMaster. (I was on the loss side of the 40 back then.)
The irony is that I have held onto these little black satin slipper shoes since I was a teenager. They were my mother's in the seventies. I am going to wear them with this little black fat dress and pray that they hold up. They are almost as old as I am. I tried them on today and wore them around my house for about fifteen minutes, until I could not take the pain any longer. I am screwed, I know.
It's about time
Hi My name is Tina and I'm 38 years old living in Texas with my husband of 16 + years and two incredible kids ages 10 and 7. I have always wanted to start blogging -- so here we go...
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Blog Archive
- Big Hair/Little Body
- Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
- After
- Sanding My Life Away
- In The Hot Suit
- Helicopter Parent Rides Again
- Individuality
- One More Cookie Story
- Covergirl
- Soggy Bottoms
- Hockey Mom
- Termites Bite
- I don't feel so bad today after all!
- Farrah Hair
- High in the Sky
- Beach Bleach Blonde
- No Wonder!
- Miss. Mayor
- Happy Valentines Day
- Friday the 13th
- Isla Fisher is funny
- Everyone is turning 40 -- and I am still 38!!!
- Favorite Picture of my Kids
- Sixteen Candles
- The Ugliest Shoes Award
- Coconut Conversation
- Fat = Boobs
- Happy Couple
- Who Knew?
- She's Just Not That Into You
- Tex - Mex
- My brother is getting married this weekend in Aust...
- It's about time
About Me
- FunnyMom
- We live where they put the "country" in country club in a 70's ranch -- the appliances and I share the same birthday!