From late February to May, Brenham is covered in Bluebonnets. People drive from all over Texas to look at them and take pictures in them. The people pull over on the highway -- running you off the road, and come to a screeching ha ult on the feeders, to take a pic of their Chihuahua in the Bluebonnets. My favorite, is when they hop fences on private property with cattle and goats --to take photos of their babies in the middle of the Bluebonnets with the snakes and fire ants and cow crap. Even Home Depot gets in on the Bluebonnet craze each year.
I remember when Zan was about 2, me screaming at him to stand still and let me take his picture in the bluebonnets. He was crying hysterically and when I walked over to him, I had him sitting in fire ants. That was the last attempt we ever made at bluebonnet pictures...