A few weeks ago, Sophie came home from school with a bag of goodies from HEB (Grocery Store Chain here in Texas). In that bag there was a pedometer -- you know, it counts your steps. Supposedly, you are to take a good 10,000 steps per day to be heart healthy. I have never used one before and was curious to see just how many steps I take in an average day. It feels like a run around constantly. The first day I put it on my waistband of my jeans and went about my daily life. By lunchtime, I realized that the thing had turned off. Whatever. I tried again the next day and the same thing happened but it was a little later in the afternoon. I tried again (third times' a charm) and was actually out to lunch with my grandmother when I realized that I was turning the button off with my roll of fat when I sat down.
LOL Tina- you crack me up! :)