My brother, (from the same mother), is moving this weekend. He and his new bride are closing on a house today and moving tomorrow. The car in the picture above is his, and it, like him, is fast moving. So fast in fact, that within the past month and one week, he has gotten married, bought a house and is having a baby. The baby part -- well you do the math. My brother is so very successful and wonderful, funny and smart -- so he can handle of these life changes with grace. I would be so stressed and freaked that you could most likely find in me in one of two positions :
1. The fetal position on the floor in the corner
2. In front of the television with a gallon of Blue Bell.
The kids and I are traveling to Austin to help the happy couple move into their new love nest. I am expert mover (being one half Gypsy and one half Nomad). Brad and I have moved 15 times since 1990. I swear I should hold a seminar on the subject.
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