Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sea breeze Clarification

Okay, my good friend Kristie called me yesterday to let me know that a Sea breeze is Vodka, Cranberry juice and Grapefruit juice. When I ordered my first Vodka and Cranberry I asked the bartender -- "What do you call that?" She said, "A Sea breeze." So who knows what the hell I was drinking. What I do know is that I had a hangover like I was in college the next day, and when I went to I-Hop in the morning it took all that I had not run out of that place and go puke in the parking lot, because that restaurant is like a maze and there was no way I could of made it to the restroom in time. For the record, I made it through breakfast, without getting sick on myself or anyone else. What a lady.

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We live where they put the "country" in country club in a 70's ranch -- the appliances and I share the same birthday!
